If you delete a Wikipedia page, your edits will be removed and you will not be able to create new pages or contribute to the encyclopedia any longer.

Yes, it is illegal to delete a Wikipedia page.It is illegal to delete a Wikipedia page because it violates the terms of use. Doing so may result in an account being blocked or banned from editing Wikipedia for a set period of time.

Yes, but it is not recommended.You can delete a Wikipedia page about yourself, but it is not recommended because there are many reasons why you might want to edit the page in the future. If you do decide to delete your page, make sure to leave a note on the talk page explaining why you deleted it and what has changed since the last time you edited the page.

You can’t delete a Wikipedia page. You can submit a request for deletion, but Wikipedia’s policy is not to remove content from the encyclopedia.

Wikipedia is a copyright-free, open-source encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Wikipedia is an example of crowdsourcing and collaborates with the user community to provide content and editing. The website is widely known for its reliability and objectivity, which Wikipedia claims. Since it is free, the site attracts visitors of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. However, Wikipedia has been criticized for its lack of fact-checking and inaccuracies in some pages.

Yes, Wikipedia edits can be traced. A user’s IP address is logged when they edit an article on the site, and that data can then be used to determine their location.

If you edit Wikipedia, you are expected to follow the same guidelines as any other user. One of these guidelines is that vandalism, or any edits made with the intent to disrupt Wikipedia’s functioning or to damage its reputation, is prohibited. If you make a false edit on Wikipedia, you may be blocked from editing it in the future.

Wikipedia pages are deleted when they are not considered to be notable enough. Wikipedia is written by volunteers who have time to edit the site. If a page doesn’t have enough information or is not updated often, it may be removed from the site.

If you are interested in becoming an admin on Wikipedia, you should first read the Wikipedia policies and guidelines. You can find these by visiting this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Policies_and_guidelinesAfter you have read through the policies and guidelines, it would be a good idea to familiarize yourself with them by looking at some of the existing policies and guidelines pages. To do this, visit this page: https://en.

Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that anyone can edit. You can add your name by clicking on the “edit” button at the top of any Wikipedia article.On Wikipedia, you can add your name by clicking on the “edit” button at the top of any Wikipedia article.

In terms of page views, the United States is the top country for Wikipedia usage. This is followed by India and Brazil. In terms of editing, Turkey has the most contributors to Wikipedia.