If you close your eBay account, you will no longer be able to access your account or any of your items. You will also lose any money you have deposited in your account. ..

Yes, it is possible to recover a closed eBay account.To recover an account, the user must contact the eBay Member Services team and provide information about their account. The team will review the request and decide whether or not to reopen the account.

It only takes a few minutes to delete an eBay account.

eBay does not delete unused accounts. They are put into a “retired” state, which means that they can’t be used to sign in or make any transactions. The account’s information is still available through the eBay help center.

To end your account on eBay, first log into your account on the website. Click “My eBay” and then click on “Selling”. Click the “End My Selling Activity” button at the bottom of the screen. You’ll be asked to confirm that you want to end your selling activity, so click “Yes, End My Selling Activity” and follow the prompts from there.

Yes, you can have two eBay accounts. If you are selling items on eBay, you can set up a Personal account and a Business account. You will need to make sure that the user name for each account is different.

Yes, you can sell your eBay account. However, there are some things to consider before doing so. You’ll want to make sure that you have a good reputation and feedback score on the site and that you’re not in violation of any policies before selling your account. If you decide to sell your account, it’s important to note that the buyer is responsible for any listings or listings fees that are due before they take over the account.

Yes, eBay can automatically take money from PayPal. There are two ways to do this. The first is to set up a subscription for the amount of money you want to withdraw. This way, eBay will automatically withdraw the specified amount of money from your PayPal account every month. The second option is to set up an automatic withdrawal for a specific amount of money on a specific date.

eBay does delete dormant accounts. It is possible to keep your account active by making sure you log in at least once every 12 months.

No, eBay usernames do not expire.

If you were suspended, it is likely that you violated one of eBay’s policies. You can contact eBay to get more information about the suspension.