If you delete your Telegram account, all of your messages and chats will be deleted as well. You will not be able to access them or view them until you re-activate your account.

Yes. Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram keeps all of your messages in the cloud. That implies it has nothing to do with your phone. When you remove Telegram, nothing happens at all.

There’s no way for you to discover if anybody else has uninstalled Telegram. If the person’s profile picture isn’t visible and there is no double-tick on both accounts’ messages, that user’s account has been terminated.

You may remove a file from a Telegram chat in several ways, and it’s similar to removing any other message. Both you and the other person can now delete messages and media files on Telegram.

Sidenote: If you’ve taken part in secret conversations on that device, they’ll be lost once you uninstall it. When you remove the telegram, what happens is that you stop using it. That doesn’t imply that your Telegram exchanges, photographs, videos, documents, and other data are deleted.

On Android, go to Settings and open Telegram. Select the Privacy & Security option. Click on If Away under the section labeled Automatically Delete Account. Select the period of inactivity after which your Telegram account will be deleted permanently.