There is no definitive answer to this question as au redbubble is a platform that can be used for a variety of purposes, including free and paid accounts. However, it is generally agreed that the free account is the most user-friendly and convenient option. If you are looking for an au redbubble account without any fees, then we recommend signing up for the free account. This way, you will have access to all of the features of our platform, including user profiles, messages, and posts. You will also be able to start posting immediately without having to wait for your first payment to arrive.

There is no cost to create an account, post-work, or receive a royalty payment on Redbubble. When your royalty account reaches $20, Redbubble will pay you via PayPal or directly into your bank account.

No, it isn’t. They are a SCAM and allow numerous web scraping image sites like Google to steal anything posted there. They also retain “art” after an account is CLOSED.

Set a 20% markup for huge framed art prints. You receive a 25 percent artist margin on $125 worth of items. A $150 retail price is the sum of $125 base value plus $25 in profit.

When your fan art is accepted, it suggests that the IP owner you used is a member of the Redbubble partner program and has granted you permission to utilize their intellectual property in this project and sell it on Redbubble; however, keep in mind that their consent does not extend beyond this.

You’ll have the option of selecting a Payment Option as well. You have two alternatives: entering your bank account information only available for American, British, and Australian banks or establishing a PayPal Account.