Instagram is a great way to keep track of your social media updates and photos. But if you’re like most people, you probably don’t have all your pictures saved on the app. That’s because Instagram doesn’t save pictures automatically when you post them. To delete all your pictures from Instagram, follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram and sign in.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen (the one with the green arrow).
  3. Choose “Delete All.”
  4. Type in your name and password (if you have them) and hit “delete.”

If you delete all your Instagram posts, then you will no longer be able to see them on your profile. You can always go back and look at them if you want to.

No, you cannot delete all of your photos on Instagram at once. You can only delete one photo at a time.

This is a question that should be answered on an individual basis. Some people may not want to delete their photos, while others may feel it’s necessary. The best thing to do is to speak with your therapist about what you’re feeling and why you want to delete them.

No, Instagram does not punish you for deleting posts. You can delete a post in the same way that you would delete a photo from your camera roll on your phone.

You can only delete up to 7 posts per day.

To delete multiple pictures at once on Instagram, you can use the “Select Multiple” option in the upper-right corner of your screen. Tap on the photos you want to delete and then tap “Delete”.

Instagram is not getting rid of photos. Instagram is releasing new features to make it easier for users to share content on the platform.

This is a difficult question to answer without knowing the person and their situation. However, there are some common reasons why someone might delete all of their Instagram photos. One is that they want to start fresh with a new profile. Another reason might be that they are embarrassed by some of the photos or don’t want people to see them. Some people might also delete their account because they’re tired of living in the past and want to live in the present and future instead.

A celebrity might delete their Instagram posts for a number of reasons. For example, they may want to start fresh with a new account or they may not want to post something that is too personal and doesn’t want it to be public.

The Instagram algorithm is a way to filter posts on the platform in order to show you what it thinks you want to see. The algorithm is designed to show you posts that are most relevant to you, but if a post isn’t relevant or interesting for you, then it will be filtered out. Unfortunately, there’s no way to clear your Instagram algorithm without changing your settings.