Steam is a digital distribution platform for video games and software. It allows users to purchase, play, and share games with others. Steam also allows users to create and join servers for gaming. To delete a Steam account, first open the Steam client and sign in. Then click on the “Accounts” tab. In the Accounts section, click on the “Delete account” button. Enter your name and password in the fields below and click on the “Delete account” button.

You can ask Steam Support to delete your account if you believe you will not play any games on your Steam account again and want your information erased. Before fulfilling the request, Steam Support will need thorough Proof of Ownership.

You can immediately delete your Steam account from your browser by going to your account settings. Almost every Steam game will be unplayable after you delete your Steam account. You’ll also lose any money in your Steam Wallet, as well as all of the information on your profile. For additional stories, visit Business Insider’s homepage.

A. How Long Does It Take for Steam Support to Delete an Account? According to the official support page, an account is deleted permanently after 30 days. That implies you have at least 30 days if you change your mind,

Although spoofed, Valve’s Steam is a reputable Games Store run by software firm Valve – so it’s safe to use and buy/download/play games from there. The official website is – in the event that other web results bring up suspicious websites.

Under the section “Why have I been banned from Steam?” it advises that you uninstall Steam if you’re planning to play on a different PC. If you delete your account, all of your games, downloadable content, and saved files will be erased as well. You may want to make a backup of the game’s data first since it will be removed.