Meetme, a social media platform for connecting with friends and family, is known for its deletion of inactive accounts. However, some users have been reporting that their account has been deleted without warning or explanation. According to one user, their account was deleted without warning or explanation after only having used it for a few months. Another user said that they had to contact Meetme to ask why their account had been deleted and were told that “the platform does not keep track of inactive users.” There is no clear answer as to why Meetme would delete an inactive account without warning or explanation. Some users are speculating that the platform may be trying to reduce the number of inactive accounts in order to make the site more efficient and popular. However, deleting an account without warning or explanation could be a violation of user privacy rights.

It’s a straightforward process to deactivate your MeetMe account from any computer. Simply follow the steps in this article and then click “deactivate the account” when prompted. Removing a MeetMe profile is simple: go to https://www-secure

If you don’t need to use MeetMe anymore, delete it. Your MeetMe account will be deactivated permanently if you delete it. You won’t be able to access any of your data after your MeetMe account is deleted. The website will also be cleared of any evidence that you had an account with them.

Open an account. Go to the top of the home page and click “Me.” Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu under “Account Settings.” To confirm that your account is deleted, press “Yes,” then type in your email address and password.

Create an email making the claim that you don’t wish to validate your account through your personal mobile phone. Include your entire name, state, and MeetMe email address you use. Send your message to [email protected]

Open your browser to and then click the MORE button. Select Manage Your Subscription from the drop-down menu. (Choose “iTunes Store” for the pop-up question Fill in your Apple ID and password for your subscription. Click Track Meet Mobile/Meet Mobile Subscription to start tracking it.