DeviantART, the popular online art community, has been in the news lately for deleting inactive accounts. This has raised some questions about whether or not DeviantART is doing enough to keep its users active. DeviantART is a great resource for artists of all levels of experience. It’s a great place to share your work with other artists and get feedback. But it can be hard to keep your account active if you’re not constantly creating new art. Some people argue that DeviantART should be doing more to encourage its users to stay active. They say that deleting inactive accounts is a way of punishing people who aren’t using the site as much as they should be. Others think that DeviantART is justified in deleting inactive accounts because it’s important for the site to maintain a high quality level. If everyone who registered on DeviantART kept their account active, it would become too crowded and difficult to find new artists to follow. ..

DeviantArt is a website that allows people to upload their art and share it with the community. It also has a feature where you can sign up for an account, which can be linked to your Facebook or Twitter account. If you want to find your old DeviantArt account, the best way would be to log in using either of those two methods and then go through the process of finding your old account.

When a user deactivates their account on DeviantArt, they will no longer be able to log into the site. If the user wants to reactivate their account, they will need to contact customer service and go through the process of reactivating it.

Yes you can make a second DeviantArt account. However, it is not recommended as your second account will be limited to the same restrictions as your first account.

Facebook does not delete accounts that are inactive. Facebook has a policy of retaining the data associated with an account for as long as it is active or for up to 90 days after the account is deactivated.

Unfortunately, DeviantArt does not allow you to recover a deleted account. You can create a new account and start from scratch.

DeviantArt is a website that allows users to upload artwork, share it with their friends, and get feedback. Users can also sell artwork on the site for money or trade it for other art. The user can delete their account by following these steps:1) Log in to your account.2) Go to “Settings” in the top right corner of the screen.3) Click “Delete Account.

DeviantArt can reactivate but it will never be the same. DeviantArt was a place where people could showcase their art and meet others with similar interests. It was an interactive platform that allowed artists to share their work and express themselves. The site had forums, groups, and communities for all types of interests. It also had a rating system which allowed artists to see how well liked their drawings were by other users on the site.

You have to be at least 13 years old to sign up for a DeviantArt account.

It is possible that the email address you are using is not registered with DeviantArt. You can try to log in with another email address or contact support for further assistance.

DeviantArt is still a thing, but it is not as popular as it once was. It’s difficult to say whether or not DeviantArt will experience a comeback, but the site continues to exist and be updated with new features.

This is not possible to answer. DeviantArt does not release any information on how many accounts are registered with them.