Tumblr, a social media platform with a following of over 100 million users, is asking its users to delete their accounts in order to comply with new regulations from the US government. Tumblr announced on Wednesday that it will be requiring all users to verify their identities before February 15th in order to keep their accounts active. The company says that this verification process is necessary in order to protect its users from abuse and spam. Tumblr has been under fire recently for allowing child pornography and hate speech to remain on its platform. In response, the US government has been pressuring social media companies to take action against these types of content. Tumblr CEO David Karp said in a statement that the company is “committed to working with the US government and other stakeholders” to make sure that its platform is “a safe and positive place for all our users.” ..

How to Delete Tumblr Account Permanently?

Go to your account and change your settings. At the bottom, click Delete Account. In the Email and Password fields, type your email address and password and then Remove everything.

You may erase your entire Tumblr account or any of the blogs you’ve created with it at any time by visiting Settings. You can remove your whole Tumblr account or any of the blogs you’ve established at any moment by going to Settings. After deleting your Tumblr account, the email address and blog URL you provided for it will be put back into circulation?

Select the ‘Account’ icon on your Tumblr homepage, which is a person-shaped symbol. Choose the blog you’d want to delete from your list of blogs. On the iOS app, swipe left on the blog and pick “Delete.” Select “Delete this Tumblr” from the Android app’s gear menu.

Logging in to your account allows you to erase a lot of data. If you are unable to do so or do not have a Tumblr account, please submit a support request here or send us an email.

To delete your Tumblr account, go to the settings page. You can’t remove your account using the mobile Tumblr app. Only through the Tumblr website may you delete your account. Your primary Tumblr blog will be deleted if you erase your account.